Late last year, Kenrise Media Private Limited, also known as The Ken, along with Rohin Dharmakumar, Seema Singh and Sumanth Raghavendra (Plaintiffs) filed a lawsuit against Ashish K. Mishra, Editor of The Morning Context, and Harveen Ahluwalia, Pranav S, Pradip K. Saha and Priya Bubna, the co-founders of The Morning Context. In their lawsuit before the commercial court in Bengaluru, the Plaintiffs made several false and malicious claims with a plea that they be granted three ad interim reliefs—in effect asking that: A: Ashish K. Mishra be restrained from carrying out his profession, and The Morning Context and all defendants be restrained from doing business. B: The Morning Context be restrained from utilizing any confidential data, which The Ken alleged the defendants had stolen. C: All defendants be restrained from soliciting services and business of The Ken.
The order in the matter was passed yesterday. The Hon’ble Court has rejected all the three interim reliefs sought by The Ken.
We are delighted with the Court order. It strengthens our belief in what we set out to do at The Morning Context. Tell stories that matter which serve just one person: you, the reader.