Lobbyists take over COP28

Representatives of some of the biggest polluting sectors have flocked to the annual climate talks, prompting worries about a delay in necessary measures to tackle the climate crisis.

Activists who were raising the alarm over the growing influence of corporate lobbies at climate negotiations seem to have found their concerns vindicated.

At the ongoing COP28 in Dubai, lobbying is stronger than ever. This year has seen an unprecedented rise in the number of representatives of the world’s biggest polluters, a new analysis has shown. The Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, commonly called COP, is the biggest forum to talk about policies that can help curb rising global temperatures and environmental destruction.

According to the Kick Big Polluters Out coalition, at …


Azman Usmani

Azman writes on climate change, ESG, and how a warming world impacts businesses and people alike. Prior to The Morning Context, he led climate coverage at BloombergQuint, where he started his career as a desk writer.


