Why is Karnataka insisting on linking Aadhaar with student data?

A vague circular puts pressure on parents and schools to fall in line, unmindful of the law and concerns around the privacy of students.

On 8 April, M was startled on seeing a notice shared by their child’s school. Uploaded on the Karnataka-based private school’s online portal, the notice asked parents to provide their children’s Aadhaar numbers during the upcoming parent-teacher meet “without fail”. 

The notice also said that “as per the Education Department (Government of Karnataka) directive, the Aadhaar number of the students has to be updated in the Student Achievement Tracking System” and that it was “mandatory as per the government directive”. SATS is a software that helps keep track of students’ academic performance and attendance, among other things.

The deadline to …


Shivani Verma

Shivani is a former writer at The Morning Context. She reported and wrote on the intersection of society, technology and business. Before that, she wrote for Yesterday, our daily news product.


