A jaundiced view of jaundice

An unexpected prolonged hospital stay, a whirlwind of tests and a liver transplant that fortunately did not happen—all for trying to treat a benign condition that did not require treatment in the first place.

Medical science-related healthcare information suffers extreme entanglement in the minds of the general public, patients and medical professionals in the era of blinding social media. Separating fact from fiction and myth with certainty has become impossible with a cesspool of misinformation emanating from Dunning-Kruger-esque experts. A truthful, no-holds-barred approach to providing accurate, simplified scientific information is what the public, patients and health workers deserve. Consistent science communication dampens misinformation, improves scientific temper, halts gullibility and empowers people towards informed decisions on healthcare. The Morning Context is the perfect platform and a breath of fresh air among current media that strive …


Cyriac Abby Philips

Cyriac Abby Philips is a highly cited, acclaimed and award-winning liver disease specialist and clinician-scientist based at The Liver Institute, Rajagiri Hospital, Kochi. His seminal research includes the introduction of healthy donor stool transplant for patients battling severe alcohol-related liver disease. He has also authored disruptive peer-reviewed publications on Ayush-related liver injury and herbal and dietary supplements.
