A trash heap turns political hot button

The long neglected Ghazipur dumpsite, a source of pollution and misery for people living in its vicinity, is now a key plank for the parties facing off in the Delhi civic elections.

It’s noon on a Tuesday in the middle of November and as is usual for Delhi at this time of year, the pollution levels are high. The sky is overcast and with the birds hovering overhead, walking into Mulla Colony reminds me of the faux film trailer for The Crows Have Eyes III, from the Canadian sitcom Schitt’s Creek. Only, this isn’t a show, and it isn’t funny.

The colony is adjacent to the Ghazipur dumpsite, one of three non-engineered and unscientific sanitary landfills in the national capital. Swarms of mosquitoes and flies follow me around. My two-and-a-half hour …


Shivani Verma

Shivani is a former writer at The Morning Context. She reported and wrote on the intersection of society, technology and business. Before that, she wrote for Yesterday, our daily news product.


