Oversize #1: Understanding IBM's new cloud dreams

Welcome to the first edition of Oversize, a fortnightly newsletter on big tech in India and around the world, only for subscribers of The Morning Context. Do let us know what you think (you can email feedback at newsletters@themorningcontext.com).

The 2010s did not go well for IBM. Its market capitalization peaked at a little over $240 billion in 2012; today, it’s less than $110 billion. Now, Big Blue has a new cloud-savvy CEO and is fresh off one of the biggest tech acquisitions of all time. But can it reverse a decade of declining revenues and shed off its …


Abhishek Baxi

Abhishek writes on technology trends, gadgets and SMBs, and has over a decade of experience—both as an industry watcher as well as a participant. He quit Microsoft in 2011 to become an independent digital consultant, and to write more, travel randomly, watch a lot of movies and wake up late on weekdays.
