The dog that did not BARC

Mumbai police investigation into Republic TV ratings scam raises more questions than it answers, even as Broadcast Audience Research Council’s credibility lies in shreds.

Update: Earlier today, The Economic Times published a report on a forensic audit commissioned by BARC in 2020. The audit, conducted by Acquisory Risk Consultancy (ARC), has often been highlighted by Mumbai Police as evidence in establishing tampering and bribery charges against former CEO and COO of BARC and Republic TV management, and so far, has remained a mystery in the case.

In its report, the Economic Times says, “…ARC (Acquisory Risk Consultancy) has concluded that deep investigation and analysis of data threw up multiple instances of viewership ratings distortion. (These are in English news as well as Telugu …


Harveen Ahluwalia

Harveen is a co-founder at The Morning Context, and leads our Internet coverage. She has previously worked as a media, consumer and tech reporter at The Ken and Mint. At The Morning Context, she writes on startups, venture capital, consumer and media businesses across India and the Middle East—from e-commerce to healthtech to streaming.

Editor, Internet
