The following list will almost certainly guarantee that any pesky vestiges of state ownership will soon be purged from your public balance sheet.
Note: This newsletter is a work of satire. Any resemblance to policy, present or past, is purely coincidental.
Dear Privatization Enthusiast,
In the last 30-40 years, multiple national governments across the world have attempted to privatize state-owned enterprises (SOEs) with mixed success. Inspired by the Reagan-Thatcher policies towards deregulation and private enterprise in the 1980s, many different strategies have been used to unburden the state from its erstwhile economic responsibilities. The following list of actions has withstood the test of time and will almost certainly guarantee that any pesky vestiges of state ownership will soon be purged from your public …
Rohit Chandra is an assistant professor at IIT Delhi’s School of Public Policy and also a visiting fellow at the Centre for Policy Research. Primarily a political scientist and economic historian, his academic work spans the areas of energy policy, state capitalism and infrastructure finance; he has spent the last decade studying the coal and power sectors.