Why Pristyn Care is losing favour with doctors and hospitals

Accused of pushing for unnecessary surgical procedures, the health tech startup now faces a backlash and the prospect of regulatory action.

On a Monday morning earlier this year, A was scheduled to perform haemorrhoid surgery on a 50-year-old man. For a few weeks, the patient had been experiencing bleeding and painful bowel movements, and he had eventually reached out to the online surgery care platform, Pristyn Care, for treatment.

In initial consultations with the Pristyn Care team, for whom proctology cases are a regular affair, the patient had been told he’d need surgery. But a day before the procedure, during a pre-op consultation with the patient, A realized that surgery wasn’t really required and that the problem could be treated with …


Sowmya R.

Sowmya is a former writer at The Morning Context, who covered consumer internet startups—from cloud kitchens and online pharmacies to e-commerce and direct-to-consumer brands. She joined us from The Hindu, where she covered technology, including policy and corporations.
