Inside the change of guard at RBL Bank

The lender has reposed faith in a public sector veteran to bring its retail operations and governance standards up to scratch. The markets aren’t convinced yet.

On Monday, when shares of RBL Bank fell 22%, there was a sense of deja vu. Back in December 2021, when Vishwavir Ahuja, then CEO and managing director of the bank, “proceeded on leave with immediate effect”, the financial markets had reacted in similar fashion.

Vishwavir Ahuja’s exit was preceded by a rare intervention by the Reserve Bank of India, one that saw the central bank appoint one of its chief general managers, Yogesh Dayal, to the board of the bank.

For the markets, this brought back memories of the collapse of Yes Bank, and that is why, when they …


Furquan Moharkan

Furquan leads the banking coverage at The Morning Context. A business journalist with eight years of experience and a best-selling author, in his earlier stints as a reporter with the Deccan Herald and a columnist at The Banker, he wrote on banking, financial markets and regulatory affairs. He has extensively covered India's debt market crisis, banking crisis and the fall of Yes Bank.

Editor, Banking
