Angel One at crossroads after heady success

Dinesh Thakkar’s brokerage has come a long way on the back of tech-driven interventions over three decades. But it may need to look beyond a super app to take on rivals.

For the longest time, Dinesh Thakkar, Angel One’s chairman and managing director, didn’t carry much weight in the Indian stock broking industry. 

Today, Angel One is the most valuable listed retail brokerage in the country. It also has the third largest customer base, next to discount broking firms Zerodha and Upstox. For a brief period in April 2022, Thakkar almost became a billionaire when his stock peaked. That’s the richest anyone has got merely by being a stockbroker in the country. At the heart of this turnaround is the business’s ability to pull off a digital transformation in an attempt …


T Surendar

Surendar helps lead the newsroom at The Morning Context as executive editor. Over the years, Surendar has worked in industries from pharmaceuticals to diamonds, as well as a stint as an equity analyst. In his long career as a business journalist, he has led teams at The Times of India, India Today and Fortune India. He was part of the founding team at Forbes India and interned at and published in The Times, London.

Executive Editor
