The Harsh Mariwala way of doing business

The Marico founder and chairman gets candid on why doing things right doesn't have to come in the way of making money.

“Some of my business-leader friends would ask me why I was wasting time and money on culture building and training. My reasoning was that the purpose of business organizations was not only about making goods and money. It was also about doing it joyously and ethically.”

There’s something striking about these lines, particularly the last one, from “Harsh Realities: The Making of Marico”, in which Harsh Mariwala, founder and chairman of packaged consumer goods company Marico, writes about his entrepreneurial journey. Let me explain. 

A few years ago, I was talking to an entrepreneur from a prominent Delhi-based business family …


Prince M. Thomas

Prince leads the newsroom at The Morning Context as managing editor. A fascination with the written word has taken Prince to some of the leading newsrooms across the country, including The Economic Times, Dow Jones Newswires, Forbes India and Moneycontrol. In a career spanning 20 years, Prince has led teams, managed pages, projects and special editions, and has authored The Consolidators, published by Penguin Random House in 2017.

Managing Editor
